NPR News, Classical and Music of the Delta

Secretary Of State Ensures Safety In Louisiana Elections

Jeremy Keith /

Secretary of State Tom Schedler is today slated to once again testify before a US House committee that there is no need to worry that elections in Louisiana are being hacked by Russians. He says he plans to remind the panel that no state votes online.

Schedler says the main concern is over online voter registration lists, but Louisiana was not one of the states identified as a target of hackers during last year’s election. He says when someone registers to vote online, they are behind a firewall and all information is kept private.

Concern over Russia meddling in last years election has been a hot topic since President Donald Trump took office. But Schedler says that issue involved Facebook and other sites producing so-called “fake news” in an attempt to influence voters. He says that’s completely different from the ballot box, but major news networks are complicating the matter.

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